Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I give up!

Last week will go down in history as one of the craziest weeks in our parenting lives. It started on a Sunday afternoon, Dave & I hear Spencer in the bedroom yelling "Jake now I don't have my glasses! I'm STUPID BLIND because of my STUPID BROTHER!" (editors note: stupid is a garbage word in our house, we don't think his brother is stupid, but it was kind of funny). So I'm planning on taking Spencer for new glasses on Monday. Sunday at midnight Spencer comes in and wakes me up just in time to hear puking on my carpet! Oh YUCK!! Luckily, (and suprisingly) Dave jumps out of bed like Superman and saves the day while I get Spencer cleaned up. Unfortunately the poor little guy got sick a couple of times throughout the night. Even more unfortunate, poor Dave got sick too! Then Tuesday came and poor little Jake woke up with a fever. He was a little trooper, insisting he's not sick and wanted to go to daycare. I took him to the Insta Care after we took his temperture at 104°! Turns out he had Strep! So I had an instant vacation (hooray?). Anyway this fun week ended with Spencer putting holes in his door (anyone know how to fix that?), Spencer loosing the cap on one of his teeth (Mom look! I lost one of my silver teeth!), and Jake trying to strangle Spencer by wrapping his hands around his neck and squeezing as hard as a 5 year old can (Yes, actually Spencer does have bruises--fantastic). All this excitement we need another vacation!


Jamie said...

Oh, Shelley! I'm so sorry. Sounds like you have had quite the week. Thank goddness it's almost over. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

Maryann said...

That sounds like a marathon week! It can only get better - right?! Congrats on surviving! You deserve some kind of mom award!

stacie said...

hahaha. Good times. I still think stupid blind is one of the funniest things ever!